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The American Revolution: The Beginning of Bilingual History

Die hier vorgestellte Unterrichtseinheit basiert auf den jahrelangen Erfahrungen von Dr. Jan Kulok aus Stuttgart. Er hat seine Materialien, die hier nach und nach via Landesbildungsserver digitalisiert werden, freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt. Die erste digitalisierte Unterrichtseinheit in diesem Projekt ist die zur Amerikanischen Revolution als Einstieg in die Klasse 8 der bilingualen Geschichte. Deshalb wird hier zunächst auch ein Ansatz vorgestellt, der das Jahresthema bis zum 1. Weltkrieg in den Blick nimmt.

The Boston Tea Party 1773

Lesson Topic

0. Changes between 1750 and 1914 (industrial, social, political): inferring from picture sources

The Mayflower

Topic 1: The American Revolution

  • Knowledge categories: liberty, revolution, constitution, separation of powers, balance of power, legislative, executive, judicative
  • Skills priorities: working with pictures I, working with text documents I, working with maps I
  • Vocabulary File

Lesson Topics

  1. Settling the New World: the Puritans at 'Plimoth'
  2. Cultural Contacts: the Puritans meeting the Wampanoag
  3. The French and Indian War
  4. Problems between Britain and the North-American settlers
  5. George Washington and the War of Independence
  6. History as it should have been: George Washington Crossing the Icy Delaware (E. G. Leutze) and historicism
  7. The Constitution of 1787 and the Bill of Rights
  8. Slavery

Lesson Topics

1. Settling the New World: the Puritans at 'Plimoth'

The first Thanksgiving at Plymouth (1914) by Jennie A. Brownscombe

2. Cultural Contacts: the Puritans meeting the Wampanoag

Plimoth Plantation

3. The French and Indian War

The French attack St. John's, Newfoundland in 1762 

4. Problems between Britain and the North-American settlers

Mt. Rushmore National Memorial

5. George Washington and the War of Independence

The Declaration of Independence

6. History as it should have been: George Washington Crossing the Icy Delaware (E. G. Leutze) and historicism

Washington crossing the Delaware

7. The Constitution of 1787 and the Bill of Rights

8. Slavery

End-of-topic tasks

  • List the main reasons why the North-American colonies wanted to secede from Britain.
  • Explain why the colonies won the war against the mother country.
  • Explain how the US constitution works.
  • Analyse a painting commemorating the US Revolution.
  • Assess the importance of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Assess the importance of the Bill of Rights.

Alle vorherigen Arbeitsblätter als zip-Datei (16,8 MB) .

The 15-star, 15-stripe Star Spangled Banner Flag


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