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Participle constructions instead of adverbial clauses of time or reason


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(1) As he looked at the sign, the driver didn't brake.
, the driver didn't brake.

(2) As he didn't have any money, John couldn't afford a taxi.
, John couldn't afford a taxi.

(3) As she wasn't asked for her opinion, Sarah felt offended.
, Sarah felt offended.

(4) As he was late, he ran to the bus stop.
, he ran to the bus stop.

(5) When he was questioned by the police, the man had a heart attack.
, the man had a heart attack.

(6) As she was a British citizen, Mrs Sanchez had a right to stay in Britain.
, Mrs Sanchez had a right to stay in Britain.

(7) Mr Müller parked his car on a double yellow line, because he didn't know that it was illegal.
Mr Müller parked his car on a double yellow line, .

(8) When it heard the key in the door lock, the dog barked happily.
, the dog barked happily.

(9) When it was improved, the computer became a success.
, the computer became a success.

(10) When he was asked for help, he helped generously.
, he helped generously.