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Aktiv statt Passiv

Wann verwendet man KEIN Passiv?


When do we NOT form passive sentences?

We DO NOT form passive sentences with …

1. … intransitive verbs (verbs which do not have a direct object), for example:

  • to run, to come, to go, to arrive, to walk, to sit, to wait, to depart

  • to die

  • to cough

  • to cry

This means you can only form an active construction like: He walks.

But you cannot use a passive construction as 'to walk' is not done to someone or something.


2. ... state verbs (verbs which describe how things are), for example:

  • thoughts and opinions

to agree, to believe, to doubt, to guess, to imagine, to know, to mean, to recognise, to remember, to suspect, to think, to understand

  • feelings and emotions

to dislike, to hate, to like, to love, to prefer, to want, to wish

  • senses and perceptions

to be, to appear, to feel, to hear, to see, to taste, to smell, to sound, to seam


3. … the verb 'to be' + born

The verb 'to be' + born is always in the past.

This means you can only form a passive construction like: She was born in 1999.

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