Which job? - Vocab, ways and means
Berufsorientierung: occupations, professions, (self-)employment
Who do you want to be in ten years' time?
This is for 15-16-year-olds in year 9 or 10. If you want to go the right way after school, you will need to know where you are heading. Do you want to live like your parents? Would you like to make a lot of money? Do you want to do some good in the world? - Take the following four steps and you may get a few hints.
About yourself and your personal qualities
Do a test and find out about yourself in Carl Jung's and Isabel Briggs Myers' typological approach to personality.
What you are good at by nature: Use your test results and find the top 5 jobs for your basic personality type.
Jobs that suit you
Obligatory: 100 jobs with short video clips: scan this list in 100 jobs, briefly explained, find the five recommended ones and learn about at least three of them. Watch the video clips and look for words and phrases in the transcript to use in your CV and personal statement.
Write your CV
Use tips and templates in Curriculum Vitae.
Make sure you mention qualifications that make you a suitable candidate. - The phrases from the videos should help here.
Apply for the job of your choice
Write a "formal letter", a so-called cover letter that includes your personal statement.
If you wonder how to describe yourself, why not look here: character traits, "10 personality traits that will get you hired" and "50 personality traits for the workplace".
- "Find the right job for you and apply for it" (Word), als OpenOffice und PDF
Herausgeber: Landesbildungsserver Baden-Württemberg
Quelle: https://www.schule-bw.de
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